Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Latest News

So, it has been a month since we last posted, but it's hard to believe that Annie is that old already! Annie is doing great - she is growing and getting more cute every day. She had a doctor's appointment on 10/13/09 and weighed in at 10 lbs .5 oz. She is in the 30th percentile for weight and the 58th for height, at 22.5" tall, but her head is in the 74th percentile (hopefully that means she will be really smart...lol).

On 10/11/09 Annie had her baby blessing given by Jason. It was a beautiful blessing. If you would like more details, let us know. Aunt Nadeene came in town and brought the beautiful dress for Annie that she had made by hand. We are so grateful to her for making it - it is gorgeous! Brittany's dad (Eric) and sister (Amy) came in town for the blessing. It was so fun having them here for the weekend and Annie loved her Grandpa and Aunt. Annie even gave Amy a going away gift right before leaving for the airport...She made a nice white addition to Amy's shirt!!! Amy and Dad also got to have their first ever Chipotle Burrito! Brittany's Grandma and Grandpa Stoddard and Aunt Karen also came in town for the blessing. Grandma Stoddard made the beautiful recieving blanket that Annie had with her throughout the blessing day! It even matched her dress! We also got to go to Brittany's aunt and uncle's housefor dinner and games! It was a stressful but fun weekend with lots of family.

Jason has taken two tests so far and scored really well on them (even with the tough curve). He is in the top 15 students in his class even with little sleep at night! We are so proud of him! On top of all his studying and school work, Jason has also joined the STLA (Student Trial Lawyers Association). They practice and learn how to be trial lawyers by preparing a case and "dualing" against other teams as if they were in a real court room. They hold the mock trials and have to listen carefully to the other side in order to make sure that all the rules are followed. I have gone to one practice and one mock trial and both were a few hours long and extremely intense. They even have witnesses! It is a neat experience for him, but time consuming and a lot of work! Nevertheless, he still finds time to spend with his family!

Annie is still getting over thrush - so we are still using the Gentian Violet (which does work, if you stick with it til its gone and don't stop because of a baby blessing...). Her new nickname is beardface because she gets it stained all over her lips and chin. By the way, don't spill gentian violet on the carpet, because it stains...especially when you spill a whole bottle on the floor even after 3 hours of cleanup using 2 rolls of paper towels, multiple rags, 3 bottles of rubbing alcohol, and a steam cleaner.

Annie is loving bath time and showers! She likes anything to do with warm water. She is happy to be in a warm shower as long as we want! We have started giving her baths in the evening (hoping it will calm her down and help her sleep longer). She loves to play in the sink and kick her legs and arms around. It will be more fun for us once she can sit up on her own!

She also loves the front pack carrier though she doesn't look comfortable!

Lately, Brittany has been doing a lot of scrapbooking. Yes, it took her 2 months before she scrapbooked Annie's birth, but at least it is done now! This blogging has helped a ton because the stories and such that we want in the scrapbook are already recorded on the blog and can be printed and pasted!!! We have also been making scrapbook pages for our parents so that they can have pictures of Annie (and somewhere to put them) so they can show friends without getting on our blog or facebook! We figured this would be a fun birthday/christmas gift for our mothers.

Brittany has also been starting a bow business. She bought 50 headbands and has been making quite a few bows to sell (and for Annie to wear). She has only had one person email her about them so far, but hopefully as she advertises more and gets more bows made, more people will ask about them and hopefully we will get some sold!

Brittany is also trying to get Annie's costume done for the Trunk-or-Treat on Tuesday. We already have costumes from our 70's party in March, so we just need Annie's. We are hoping to make her look like a disco ball to match our outfits...so hopefully next week we will have pictures of that to show!

Annie is starting to smile a lot more. Here are a few smile pics - okay, quite a few!

Well, that's a little update on what has been going on here with our family.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Garage Sale!

So, this past weekend, we did not go to the hospital!!! We decided to have our last garage sale (at least for a while) to get rid of all the stuff that we had stored in the basement, so that Jason could have his desk back and would be able to have a place to study! The yard sale was a flop and with all our stuff as well as Jessica's, Mary's, Jenni's and Mom and Dad's, we made a total of less than $50 on Saturday. But, we did get most of the stuff moved out of the basement because we loaded it straight from the driveway to the van and took it to Goodwill! A long day, but definitely worth the time and energy! Here are some pictures of Jason's desk now that it is finally uncovered. We made it out of boxes and stuff. We even put some shelving in for his books!

Annie with her daddy!

So, here are more pictures of our little cutie! Enjoy!

Brittany's mom made the little pink slippers out of the fabric she used to make the bridesmaid dresses for our wedding two years ago.

On Thursday morning, Annie spit up a ton of blood after eating. We don't really know why, but we think it was either my nipples bleeding or that she had a nose bleed during the night and swallowed all the blood. Either way, we are glad that she hasn't spit up anymore since!

Also this week, Annie went on her first stroller ride and did very well. She started fussing after a while, but after a little repositioning, she quieted down again. She loved being outside and seeing everything! She also liked the cute little shoes Brittany's mom made for her!

And more pictures!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker